Virginia Governor Kaine Signs "Green" Executive Order
On June 10, 2009, Governor Kaine of the Commonwealth of Virginia signed Executive Order 82, which requires all new executive branch buildings greater than 5,000 gross square feet in size, or existing executive branch buildings where the cost of renovation exceeds 50% of the value of the building to conform to the following:
- Department of General Services ("DGS"), Division of Engineering and Buildings "Virginia Energy Conservation and Environmental Standards" for energy performance and water conservation; and
- LEED Silver or Green Globes two-globe standards, unless an exemption from such standards is granted by the Director of the DGS upon a finding of special circumstances that make construction to the standards impracticable.
The stated purpose of Executive Order 82 is to "reduce state government's energy and environmental impact." All executive branch agencies and institutions are directed to "increase the use of sustainability practices." The Order became effective upon signing and will remain in force until July 1, 2013, unless amended or rescinded by further executive order.
Other green initiatives in the Executive Order 82 include the following:
- When a Commonwealth agency or institution is to lease space or build a new building in a metropolitan area where public transportation is available, it must try to lease or build within a quarter mile of a transit or commuter rail stop.
- All executive branch agencies and institutions must develop and adopt by July 1, 2010, an environmental management system regarding energy use, water use, waste reduction, and travel that will reduce the environmental impact and costs of those activities.
- The DGS and Virginia Information Technology Agency must establish ecofriendly specifications for use by state agencies and institutions in the procurement of commodities and services.
- All agencies and institutions must provide adequate management support to their energy-saving activities.
Executive Order 82 includes a number of other sustainability initiatives. Click here to read the entirety of Executive Order 82.