Whiteford Attorneys Authored Fall 2017 Maryland State Bar Association’s Labor & Employment Section Newsletter
Date: October 17, 2017
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston attorneys authored the most recent issue of the Maryland State Bar Association's Labor & Employment Section Newsletter. Peter Guattery coordinated the effort for the Fall 2017 issue (attached) and contributed an article, as did: Steve Bers, Jennifer Jackman, Kevin McCormick, Tiffany Releford, Jeff Seaman, and David Stevens.
Topics included:
- “Fourth Circuit Issues Pair of Cases Addressing Joint Employment Under the FLSA,” Peter Guattery (Analysis of recent 4th Circuit decisions addressing joint employment under Fair Labor Standards Act).
- “Displaced Service Workers Protection Ordinance Took Effect July 12, 2017,” Kevin McCormick (Review of Displaced Service Workers Protection Ordinance enacted by Baltimore City Council).
- “Employment Law Proliferation Reason for Professional Concern,” Steve Bers (Discussion and analysis of proliferation of local employment laws and “traps” for practitioners arising from them).
- “The interaction of Medical Marijuana and Disability Laws,” Jeff Seaman and Tiffany Releford (Analysis of Maryland laws).
- “COSA Addresses Impact of Qualified Privilege on Tort Claims Beyond Defamation,” David Stevens (Review of recent decision by Court of Special Appeals concerning qualified privilege for employers against defamation claims by employees).
- “Severance Agreements: Not One Size Fits All,” Jennifer Jackman (Discussion of law relating to severance agreements, with a caution to practitioners about use of a “standard” agreement).