
Associations Creating Community - Interview with Artesha Moore, FASAE, CAE

Date: August 5, 2022
Jeff Glassie, FASAE, of Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, interviewed Artesha Moore, FASAE, CAE, President and CEO of the Association Forum in Chicago. Artesha talks about the beginning of her career with associations as life changing, because associations can have such impact. She says member engagement is like career engagement, along with networking, which are all critical for association community. Artesha believes that inclusive communities are really needed, and is focusing on how leadership can bring the up and coming generations into the association community. She and Jeff also talk about how associations have to deal with for-profit communities and service providers, like LinkedIn, etc.
Artesha mentions that at American Geophysical Union ("AGU"), in her prior position, they tried to incorporate community into everything they did. Her focus moving forward with Association Forum is accelerating leadership's thinking about current developments and how to react, such as responding to the Great Resignation. She believes association staff now want to do big things, to make real differences in their professions and industries. She also believes associations really should support one another to be able to make significant impacts. As part of her listening tour since starting at Association Forum, she is hearing also that governance must allow both fluid operations and outside the box thinking for the future to appeal to, and incorporate the young generations. Artesha also explained how conscious inclusion can promote community in a more holistic way.

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