Jefferson C. Glassie, FASAE

Senior Counsel
Jefferson C. Glassie, FASAE

Jefferson C. Glassie, FASAE

T: 202.689.3156
F: 202.327.6188

Mr. Glassie represents associations and nonprofit organizations on a wide range of legal matters, including antitrust, tax, certification, accreditation, contracts, employment, merger, intellectual property and corporate issues. He has concentrated in the field of nonprofit membership organizations for over 35 years.

He received his law degree from the George Washington University School of Law in 1985, with honors, and is admitted in the District of Columbia and Maryland. 


  • Icon Award, National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (2023)
  • ASAE Academy of Lenders Award (2023)
  • Institute for Credentialing Excellence, Volunteer Service Award (2015)
  • ASAE Fellow, American Society of Association Executives (2014)
  • The Best Lawyers in America®, Washington, DC Nonprofit/Charities Law (2013–Present)
  • The Mississippi John Hurt Foundation, Counsel Services Award (2007)
  • ASAE, International Section Excellence Award (1987)  

Memberships & Activities

  • Member: American Bar Association
  • Member: Maryland Bar Association
  • Former Chair: Legal Section Council, ASAE and the Annual Legal Symposium
  • Former Chairman: Greater Washington Society of Association Executives, Law and Legislative Committee
  • ICE Designation

Nonprofit Organizations and Associations

Provides a broad range of legal advice to nonprofit and tax exempt organizations, and to trade, professional, and membership associations

Entity Formations

Handle and advise on formation of many nonprofit nonstock tax exempt corporations, as well as limited liability companies, for-profit stock corporations; including providing advice on Articles of Incorporation, organizational matters, obtaining Employer Identification Numbers, organizational resolutions, and tax exemption applications, as well as state registration, doing business as/fictitious name applications, corporate registrations

Governance/Fiduciary Duties

Counsels on Board of Directors, Executive Committee, governance matters, including Bylaws, policies such as conflicts of interest, as well as officer and director nominations, elections, removals, and ethical and fiduciary duty matters

Joint Ventures and Subsidiaries

Advises on establishing and maintaining joint ventures such as for trade shows and publications, as well as partnerships, limited liability companies, and both nonprofit and for-profit subsidiaries, affiliates, foundations, and other related organizations

Labor and Employment Matters

Provides advice on nonprofit organization and association employment matters, such as CEO employment agreements, employee hiring and termination, discrimination, Americans with Disabilities Act, and excess benefits safe harbor compensation issues

Certification and Accreditation

Advises certification and accreditation bodies on all aspects of credentialing, including due process, conflict of interest, examinations, trademark and copyrights, tax exemption, antitrust and related matters.

Membership Programs

Counsels on legal aspects of all manner of association and nonprofit organization membership programs, including trade shows and conferences, scholarly journals, newsletters, e-publishing, affinity programs, educational programs, examination preparation courses, certification, accreditation, and certificate programs

Nonprofit Corporate Services

Provides advice on services to members and the public offered by nonprofit organizations, including antitrust, contract, intellectual property, and tort liability

Tax-Exempt Status Recognition

Advises on tax exemption issues, including applications, charitable contributions and grants, chapter and affiliate issues under group exemptions, including federal and state tax exemption

Unrelated Business Income Analysis

Counsels on UBIT issues, including advertising, corporate sponsorships, affinity programs, royalty and licensing agreements, non-dues revenue issues

International Practice

Advises on wide range of nonprofit and association international issues, including opening offices in other countries, export controls, embargoes administered by Office of Foreign Assets Control, certification, copyrights, trademarks, affiliation agreements, taxation, etc.


Presenter: “Key International Legal Issues for Associations in the Post-Pandemic Era,” American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), August 23, 2022

Moderator: "Ask Us Anything! Antitrust – What Associations Need to Know,"  Webinar, December 2021

Panelist: "Ask Us Anything! Office Leasing and Renovation Issues,"  Webinar, May 2021

Host: "Associations Creating Community," Podcasts, 2019-present

Co-author: “What Do Marijuana Laws Mean for the Workplace?” Associations Now Plus, March 2017

Speaker: "HELP! I've been hacked!" ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition, 2015

Co-author: "Be on Guard for Cybersecurity Breaches." ICE Digest, March 2015

Co-Author: Intellectual Property for Nonprofit Organizations and Associations, American Society of Association Executives, 2012

Panelist: "Is Your Association Doing All It Can to Protect Its Intellectual Property (IP) in the Electronic Age," ASAE Law Symposium, September 16, 2011, Washington DC

Panelist: "Finding Your Pot of Gold: How to Identify New Revenue Sources," Institute for Credentialing Excellence, Annual Educational Conference - New Orleans, 2011

Author: International Legal Issues for Nonprofit Organizations, 2nd Edition, American Society of Association Executives, 2010

Author: Certification and Accreditation Law Handbook, 2nd Edition, American Society of Association Executives, 2004


Associations Creating Community: A Reflection with ASAE

Jeff Glassie of the Whiteford Associations, Nonprofits, and Political Organizations practice hosts an important zoomcast conversation with Susan Robertson, president and CEO of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE), as an extension of the podcast series, "Associations Creating Community."

Maintaining Community in Certification Organizations During a Pandemic

This "Zoomcast" interview is an extension of the podcast series, “Associations Creating Community.” Sara Lake, Executive Director of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, and Bill Ellis, Executive Director of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties, were interviewed by Whiteford attorneys Jefferson Glassie and Mark Franco. Both organizations worked diligently during the pandemic to re-schedule exams, disseminate information about changes and provided helpful information to the certification communities, while remaining flexible and learning to plan on the fly. Sara felt that the pandemic has made the IBCLC credential more valuable, and Bill noted that maintaining the integrity of the credential became even more important.  Bill and Sara also said that they emphasized thanking volunteers, candidates, and certificants for all they had done during the pandemic. Lastly, watch for a special guest appearance by Sara’s cat, Chloe!

"Associations Creating Community" Podcasts

The Associations, Nonprofits and Political Organizations (ANPO) practice is pleased to announce podcast discussions providing timely tips and information about how associations can create community on a local and global level. 

Act Now on Privacy and Cybersecurity Issues!

There is no question that the newest and biggest liability risk for associations arises from online activities.  It’s not a question of ‘if’ your association will suffer a data security breach, but ‘when.’  Savvy association execs and operational professionals will get ready now for the inevitable breach – whether from a pernicious hack, phishing, or just a lost staff computer or personal device.  In fact, the laws of several states – which apply if the association has personally identifiable information (“PII”) of any residents from those states – mandate that holders of such information have in effect a written information security plan/policy (“WISP”) to protect such information NOW!

Plan to Fail

Your association will be hacked. Are you ready?

You often hear lawyers talking about risk -- potential legal and other problems that can arise for an association. Well, there is one new risk that isn’t just a possibility: Your association will suffer a cybersecurity breach at some point in the future, and you’d better be ready.

The 4th Circuit Reaffirms Judicial Deference to Accreditation Agencies

On March 24, 2015, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued a published opinion in Professional Massage Training Center, Incorporated (PMTC) v. Accreditation Alliance of Career Schools and Colleges, d/b/a Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC), in which PMTC filed a civil lawsuit against ACCSC for alleged violation of due process after ACCSC denied PMTC’s application to renew its accreditation. As further explained below, the Fourth Circuit’s ruling is significant for both accreditation and certification organizations, as it affirms judicial deference to decision making by credentialing bodies. The opinion is available online.

Be on Guard for Cybersecurity Breaches

Over the last few years, cyber attacks on businesses have become a regular occurrence. The banking, retail, gaming and health care industries have all fallen victim to cyber attacks. The news media has been replete with stories about for-profit businesses experiencing security lapses or breaches by hackers, but nonprofit certification programs can also be targeted.

Don't Send Your Association's Email Lists To Criminals

On an almost daily basis, we hear about a high profile company falling victim to a cyber-attack.  While the news media has been replete with stories about high profile, for-profit businesses falling victim to computer hackers, nonprofit associations are now also a prime target for cyber criminals.  

Travel Safe: Managing the Legal Risks that Arise from International Operations

Nonprofit organizations are becoming increasingly active in global activities, which are very complex because of cultural, linguistic, operational, and risk issues. Adding to the complexity are legal issues. When does United States law apply, and when does the law of the local country apply? And what exactly are local laws that nonprofits have to watch out for? It’s not possible to know the laws of all the countries around the world, so how does one manage some of the key legal risks?

Are You Complying with Canada's New Anti-Spam Rules?

The majority of Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) went into effect on July 1, 2014, and this has many U.S. associations and nonprofit organizations concerned. We are not Canadian lawyers, but we can tell you what we know about the new law.

Recent Antitrust Enforcement Actions

In recent years, the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the two federal agencies charged with antitrust enforcement, initiated very few enforcement actions involving associations.  In 2009, however, the Obama Administration publically promised that the days of relaxed anti-trust enforcement were gone and that it would employ vigorous antitrust enforcement efforts as a necessary means of reviving the economy.  Two key cases filed by the FTC against trade associations in 2013 show that the FTC is committed to upholding its enforcement promise and that associations are not exempt from enforcement action. 

Privacy Is Now A Priority

A new privacy code for apps tries to help consumers understand what is really happening with their data.

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce announced a new Short Form Notice Code of Conduct to Promote Transparency in Mobile App Practices this summer, and industry groups are busy commenting on pros and cons. The code is voluntary, but would be applicable to apps that associations and nonprofits develop.

Copyrights Are Critical For Associations

Books, publications, websites, white papers, conference proceedings, magazines and newsletters constitute some of the most valuable property that associations have. These materials may be protected by the copyright laws, and it’s critical that associations maximize such protection. It’s important to make sure both that the organization owns or has adequate rights to use and publish any materials, and also that it has the ability to maintain control of them for purposes of ensuring their integrity and maximizing value to the organization.

Legal Update and Summary of The New York Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013

The New York State Legislature recently passed the Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013 (the “New Act”), which contains several amendments to the New York Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.  If signed by Governor Cuomo, provisions of the New Act will become effective July 1, 2014 and will apply to nonprofit corporations that are incorporated in New York.1 

Upgrading Your Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Procedures: Practical and Legal Considerations

A key aspect of any professional certification program is a code of ethics and the code’s accompanying procedures. A code of ethics, sometimes referred to as a code of professional conduct, is a critical feature of a certification program both for the promotion of the safety of the public and the integrity of the program’s credential. For those programs seeking or maintaining the coveted National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) accreditation, a mark of quality for certification programs, disciplinary policies and procedures are required. (See the Responsibilities to Stakeholders section of the NCCA Standards, Standard 6.)

Association Social Media -- Is Permission Required To Post User Content?

As user-generated content becomes a growing source of information on the Internet, associations should be mindful of the potential legal problems that relate to using user-generated content.  For example, if John Smith posts comments on an association’s website or social media page, can an association use John Smith’s comments in the association’s newsletter without contacting John Smith for permission? 

New Handbook On Intellectual Property For Nonprofits Is Published

“Intellectual property (IP), in the form of copyrights, trademarks, lists of members, attendees, exhibitors, and others are often an association’s most valuable property. And in this modern internet era, everything is electronic, so understanding and implementing the rules, best practices, and protections for IP of nonprofit organizations and associations is critical. We thought it was timely to help associations protect their IP by giving them a clear, concrete reference book to turn to,” says the co-author of the just published Intellectual Property for Nonprofit Organizations and Associations, Jefferson Glassie.

Jeff and his co-authors Eileen Johnson and Dana Lynch are attorneys with the boutique law firm, Whiteford, Taylor, and Preston, in Washington, DC.

Establishing an Association Foundation

Many nonprofit Section 501(c)(6) organizations set up separate foundations to carry on certain charitable or educational activities for the parent organization.  We have helped many nonprofit organizations set up subsidiary foundations--this is very common and can enhance the activities and fundraising options for the parent organization.  Provided below is background information on setting up a foundation.

Board Meeting Minutes -- Best Not To Get Too Wordy!

Many association executives have asked questions about the proper scope and content of board meetings. It’s important to keep minutes in accordance with legal and organizational governance best practices.  Here are some thoughts about keeping board meeting minutes. 

The Importance of Legal Audits

Legal audits provide a good opportunity for nonprofit organizations and associations to prevent unexpected liability by addressing and resolving problematic issues before they escalate.  Risks of liability are a serious concern for nonprofit organizations and associations.  A legal audit is particularly important if the association or nonprofit organization has recently undergone a change in management, so that preexisting problems are not attributed to the new leadership.

Copyright Law and Your Association

What is the work-for-hire doctrine, and how does it apply to associations?

The work-for-hire doctrine is a statutory provision under the Federal Copyright Act that acts to transfer copyright ownership in certain cases. However, the doctrine is often misunderstood.

U.S. Embargoes Can Impact Certification Programs

The United States imposes embargoes against several countries, including most prominently Cuba, Iran, Sudan, and Burma.  These sanctions programs, administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), are very broad and essentially prohibit any business dealings by U.S. persons and organizations with those countries, though the Cuban sanctions are the most restrictive.  There is, however, a general exception under the law for transmission of information, which applies to many nonprofit organization and association activities. 


Associations, Nonprofits and Political Organizations Report - Spring 2021

Celebrating Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Unexpected Tax Consequences of Remote Workers

Association Community in the Age of COVID

Legal Issues for Meetings: Lessons Learned and Planning Ahead

Meet the Team - Dorothy Deng

Can Your Association Adopt a COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement?

"Ask Us Anything!" Series - Upcoming Programs


Associations Creating Community - Interview with Jeff De Cagna FRSA FASAE

In this most recent Associations Creating Community, Jefferson Glassie, FASAE, has a fascinating conversation with the brilliant Jeff De Cagna FRSA FASAE, Executive Advisor for Foresight First LLC. This episode follows a prior interview in 2019 and focuses on association communities, boards of directors, and the duty of foresight.

Associations Creating Community - Interview with Shelly Alcorn and Elizabeth Engel

In this most recent Associations Creating Community, Jefferson Glassie interviews Elizabeth Engel with Spark Consulting and Shelly Alcorn with Michelle Alcorn and Associates about their groundbreaking,  recently published white paper titled “The Time is Now: Association Resilience an Adaptation and the Anthropocene Climate Disruption.” The white paper explains the current perspectives on climate as applicable not just to humans on the planet, but also to associations and nonprofit organizations, which are and will be more affected by climate in the future. 

Associations Creating Community – Interview with Sheri Singer

Sheri Singer is an experienced public relations and communications professional who works with nonprofit membership associations. She has been involved in the association community for many years and shares her insights on community with Jefferson Glassie, FASAE. 

Associations Creating Community - Interview with Artesha Moore, FASAE, CAE

Jeff Glassie, FASAE, of Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, interviewed Artesha Moore, FASAE, CAE, President and CEO of the Association Forum in Chicago. Artesha talks about beginning her career with associations as life changing, because associations can have such impact. She says member engagement is like career engagement, along with networking, which are all critical for association community. Artesha believes that inclusive communities are really needed, and is focusing on how we can bring in the up and coming generations into the association community. She and Jeff also talk about how associations have to deal with for-profit communities and service providers, like LinkedIn, etc.

“Associations Creating Community" Video Interviews

An extension of the “Associations Creating Community" podcast series, these "Zoomcast" video discussions provide timely tips and information about how associations can create community on a local and global level.

Associations Creating Community – Interview with Irving Washington, FASAE, CAE

Jeff Glassie of Whiteford's Associations, Nonprofits, and Political Organizations practice discusses creating and maintaining communities in a timely conversation with Irving Washington, FASAE, CAE, who is the Executive Director/CEO of the Online News Association ("ONA"), in the newest podcast in the "Associations Creating Community" series.

A Record 87 Whiteford Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America 2024, Ten Selected as “Ones to Watch”

87 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2024 (copyright 2023 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). New practice areas of recognition include CleanTech Law and Entertainment and Sports Law. The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington offices. Client comments are posted on the Best Lawyers website, at

73 Whiteford Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America 2023, Six Selected as “Lawyer of the Year”

73 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2023 (copyright 2022 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington, D.C. offices. Client comments are posted on the U.S. News & Best Lawyers web site, at

75 Whiteford Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America 2022, Eight Named “Ones to Watch”

A record 75 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2022 (copyright 2021 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington offices. Client comments are posted on the U.S. News & Best Lawyers web site, at

71 Whiteford Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America 2021, Six Named “Lawyer of the Year”

A record 71 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2021 (copyright 2020 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington offices. Client comments are posted on the U.S. News & Best Lawyers web site, at

57 WTP Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America 2019, Four Named "Lawyer of the Year"

57 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2019 (copyright 2018 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington offices. Client comments are posted on the U.S. News & Best Lawyers web site.

59 WTP Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America 2018, Two Named "Lawyer of the Year"

59 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2018 (copyright 2017 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Maryland, Washington and Virginia offices. Client comments are posted on the U.S. News & Best Lawyers web site, at

In addition, two lawyers were selected as “Lawyer of the Year” for their particular areas of practice.

59 Whiteford, Taylor & Preston Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America, 2017, Eight Named as "Lawyers of the Year"

Fifty-nine lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2017 (copyright 2016 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Maryland, Washington and Virginia offices.

In addition, eight lawyers were selected as “Lawyers of the Year” for their particular areas of practice. 

Jefferson Glassie Recipient of 2015 ICE Award

On October 29, Jeff Glassie received the 2015 volunteer service award from the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) at its annual educational conference in Portland, Oregon. The award is given annually to an individual who has displayed exemplary service and commitment to the organization, who has been instrumental in facilitating the achievement of the organization’s goals, and who has demonstrated a history of volunteer service in ICE.

63 Whiteford, Taylor & Preston Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America, Four Named as "Lawyers of the Year"

Sixty-three lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2015 (copyright 2014 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Maryland, Washington and Virginia offices.

In addition, four lawyers were selected as “Lawyers of the Year” in the Baltimore region for their particular areas of practice.

ASAE Foundation, Green Seal, Whiteford, Taylor & Preston Launching New Office Greening Program

The ASAE Foundation is collaborating with Green Seal and Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP to pilot an innovative Association Office Greening Program that will award up to 15 grants for workplace sustainability reviews. Applications are due August 15. The program is spearheaded and funded by a $25,000 grant from the law firm Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP.

Jefferson Glassie Chosen for ASAE's 2014 Class of Fellows

Whiteford Taylor & Preston is delighted to announce that Jefferson Glassie, co-chair of the firm’s Nonprofit Organizations & Associations practice, has been named an ASAE Fellow, one of only 250 in the nation. This recognition is bestowed on leaders in the field, in light of their “innovation, leadership and commitment to the profession,” and is indeed a signal honor.

61 Whiteford, Taylor & Preston Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America; Nine Named as "Lawyers of the Year"

Sixty-one lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2014 (copyright 2013 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Maryland, Washington and Virginia offices, including the firm's new Roanoke office.

In addition, nine lawyers were selected as “Lawyers of the Year” in their jurisdictions and areas of practice.

60 Whiteford, Taylor & Preston Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers in America Five Named as "Lawyers of the Year"

Sixty lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2013 (copyright 2012 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.).

This represents an increase of seven over last year.  The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Maryland, Washington and Virginia offices.

In addition, five lawyers were selected as “Lawyers of the Year” in their jurisdictions and areas of practice.

New Book On Intellectual Property Authored By Whiteford Lawyers

Whiteford, Taylor & Preston lawyers have written a new book titled Intellectual Property for Nonprofit Organizations and Associations, which is now the definitive publication in the field. 

Jeff Glassie, Eileen Morgan Johnson, and Dana Lynch, partners with WTP, are co-editors of the new book, published by the American Society of Association Executives and released at the ASAE convention in Dallas, August 11-15, 2012.  

Jeff Glassie Joins Whiteford, Taylor & Preston

Whiteford, Taylor & Preston is delighted to announce that Jefferson C. Glassie has joined the firm’s Nonprofit Organizations Group as a partner. He is based in the firm’s Washington office and will Co-Chair the firm’s nonprofit practice. Accompanying him in his move to the firm is an associate, Megan Spratt.