Whiteford's Tax and Private Wealth group includes practitioners who focus on all aspects of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, its regulations, and its administrative and judicial interpretations. We represent corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, nonprofit organizations and individuals on questions dealing with income taxes, ERISA and pension benefits, estate and gift taxes, and international taxation. In addition, we have state tax law practitioners with experience in state and local tax matters, including income, sales, inheritance and property taxes.
Income and other taxes
Members of the group have extensive experience in advising businesses, individuals and non-profit organizations on a broad range of federal, state and international tax issues. For example, we guide business clients from initial start-up through maturity on all aspects of tax issues in order to enhance the tax efficiency of their activities and transactions, to limit their exposure to controversy, and to help them comply with federal, state and local tax laws. Members of our Tax Section also have substantial experience representing clients in controversy matters, including administrative appeals, litigation of state tax matters in state courts (including income and sales tax issues, nexus for income or sales tax purposes, property tax, utility and franchise tax issues), and federal tax matters in federal courts.
The attorneys in our Tax Section work closely with attorneys in our corporate and securities, real estate, litigation and employment law sections. By using this team-oriented approach, we can more comprehensively represent a wide range of clients, including sole proprietorships, closely-held businesses, partnerships, joint ventures and limited liability companies, middle market and public companies, non-profit organizations and foreign entities.
Members of our Tax Section have achieved national prominence in their areas of practice. They are active in state and federal bar associations. Three of our attorneys are past chairs of the Maryland State Bar Association's Tax Section. Members of the firm are frequent speakers at seminars on current tax issues and have been course instructors at the Graduate Tax Programs of local universities.
Employee Benefits and ERISA
Our Employee Benefits and ERISA lawyers provide advice and legal services to private sector, government and tax-exempt or not-for-profit clients on issues relating to their employee pension plans, welfare plans, deferred compensation, executive compensation arrangements, and fringe benefits. Generally, legal issues arise in connection with compliance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), various requirements in the Internal Revenue Code for tax qualification of pension plans or for tax preferred treatment of executive benefit programs, welfare plans and fringe benefit arrangements and under state laws and regulations.
Estate and Gift taxes
Our estate and trust lawyers can help you consider the impact of federal and state estate and gift taxes related to your estate, whether it involves traditional planning or more complex issues, such as complex family structures or closely-held business interests, and advise you on how your assets can pass to your beneficiaries in the most tax-efficient and cost effective manner.
Real Estate taxes
Our tax lawyers work closely with our real estate attorneys to structure transactions in the most efficient manner, taking into account the federal and state income tax impact on the parties involved in the transaction, as well as the recordation and transfer tax implications.
Nonprofit Organizations
We provide sophisticated and comprehensive advice on federal and state tax matters of particular relevance to associations, charities and other types of nonprofit organizations. For example, we counsel and represent nonprofit clients on matters such as obtaining and maintaining recognition of tax-exempt status, unrelated business income analysis, and structuring of subsidiaries, affiliates and joint ventures. Our nonprofit clients include professional and trade associations, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and seniors' housing and care providers.
Tax-Exempt Finance
The firm's public finance lawyers have served as bond counsel, underwriter's counsel, borrower's counsel, trustee's counsel and guarantor's counsel in tax-exempt general obligation bonds and revenue bonds, as well as other forms of financing.
International tax
Whiteford has significant experience confronting the array of international tax issues faced by U.S. individuals and companies with income or operations abroad, as well as foreign individuals and companies with income or operations in the U.S. We advise these individuals and companies on the tax implications of their cross-border transactions, including mergers and acquisitions and related financing transactions, and international restructurings, dispositions and divestitures.
On March 21, 2025, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, issued an interim final rule (the “Interim Rule”) under the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) whereby it (i) significantly revised the statutory definition of “reporting company”, (ii) exempts domestic entities from beneficial ownership reporting requirements, (iii) limits the scope of the CTA to non-U.S. persons, i.e., entities formed under the laws of a foreign country and (iv) that are registered to do business in any state or tribal jurisdiction in the United States, and adds an exemption from reporting, as discussed below, by moving the term “domestic reporting company” to a new exemption.
On March 2, 2025, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (“Treasury”) announced that it will not impose penalties, fines, or pursue enforcement actions against U.S. companies, citizens, or their beneficial owners for failing to file beneficial ownership information (“BOI”) reports, pursuant to the Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements final rule (31 C.F.R. 1010.380) (the “Reporting Rule”), the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) (31 U.S.C. § 5336), even after any forthcoming deadline extensions or changes to the Reporting Rule. Treasury’s announcement follows earlier guidance from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) (the Treasury bureau responsible for enforcing the CTA)—which suspended enforcement of the March 21, 2025, filing deadline.
On February 17, 2025, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas lifted the last remaining nationwide injunction against enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) previously issued in Smith v. US Dep’t of the Treasury, clearing the way for the law’s implementation. This marks a significant development following the U.S. Supreme Court’s January 23, 2025, order in McHenry v. Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc., which lifted a separate nationwide injunction issued by another Texas federal district court. However, due to delays in the Justice Department’s motion in Smith, the CTA’s implementation remained blocked nationwide until now.
On December 23, 2024, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit granted the government’s emergency motion for a temporary stay of a district court’s order and nationwide injunction against the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and its corresponding Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Reporting Rule.
Following a Texas federal district court’s issuance of a nationwide injunction temporarily halting enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), the U.S. government has filed an appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, challenging the district court’s findings (found here). In response to both the national injunction and the appeal, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), the agency responsible for enforcing the CTA, issued guidance (found here) clarifying that reporting companies are not currently required to file beneficial ownership information (“BOI”) reports and will not face liability for noncompliance “while the preliminary injunction remains in effect.”
On December 3, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc. v. Merrick Garland (Civil Action No. 4:24-CV-478), issued a memorandum opinion and order granting a nationwide preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) and its implementing regulations and staying the compliance deadline for reporting companies pending further order of the court.
The IRS has recently been urging healthcare entities, particularly those involving physicians and private investors, to seek private letter rulings (PLRs) to clarify the tax implications of their ownership structures. This encouragement comes in light of the complexities and ambiguities surrounding the "friendly doctor" or "friendly PC" models, where a physician-owned professional corporation (PC) is managed by a separate management service organization (MSO).
In its recent decision in Connelly v. U.S., the U.S. Supreme Court held that life insurance proceeds received by a corporation to fund an obligation to purchase a deceased stockholder’s shares in the corporation must be included in the corporation's value for federal estate tax purposes and is not reduced by the contractual purchase obligation.
In many ways, the labor market is as competitive as ever. Businesses continue to explore compensation packages, in addition to ordinary salary, that will help them attract, hire and retain talent. One method of compensation that a business often considers is awarding employees equity in the business.
The Corporate Transparency Act’s (the “CTA”) reporting requirements are effective as of January 1, 2024. The one-pager linked in this article provides information on reporting requirements and deadlines.
On March 1, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama in National Small Business United et al. v. Janet Yellen et. al., Case No. 5:22-cv-1448-LCB, held the Corporate Transparency Act (the “CTA”) to be unconstitutional. In this surprising decision, U.S. District Court Judge Liles C. Burke ruled “The CTA is unconstitutional because it cannot be justified as exercise of Congress’ enumerated powers.”
As another new year is upon us, we are providing a summary of the changes to the federal and state estate and gift tax limits which became effective on January 1, 2024. We hope you find this information helpful as you consider planning options for 2024 and beyond. If you have any questions or are wondering how these changes may impact your particular situation, please do not hesitate to contact our office and we will be happy to discuss the effect these changes may have on your estate plan.
The Corporate Transparency Act’s (the “CTA”) reporting requirements are effective as of January 1, 2024. As a result, many companies in the United States will have to report information about their beneficial owners, i.e., the individuals who ultimately own or control the company. They will have to report the information to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
The opportunity zone rules came into the tax code basically in 2018. The initial tax benefit is the ability to defer capital gain generally from any source through investment of the cash into a qualified opportunity fund (“QOF”). However, this deferred gain must generally be recognized on December 31, 2026 (if not recognized sooner through various kinds of dispositions and “inclusion events”).
On January 1, 2021, heightened entity and beneficial ownership reporting arrived in the United States with the enactment of the Corporate Transparency Act (the “CTA”), part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. The policy behind the CTA is to strengthen reporting and transparency as to who the beneficial economic owners are of business enterprises doing business in the United States. Prior to the passage of the CTA, the United States was viewed by some in the international marketplace as a tax haven for those looking to create shell companies to hide their assets through the formation of business entities in jurisdictions like Delaware or Florida, for instance.
In many ways, the labor market is as competitive as ever. Businesses continue to explore compensation packages, in addition to ordinary salary, that will help them attract, hire and retain talent. One method of compensation that a business often considers is awarding employees equity in the business.
FBAR Requirements: Pursuant to the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) (31 U.S.C. § 5314 et seq.), U.S. persons, individuals and companies, are required on a calendar basis to report each year to the U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) all financial interests in and signature authority over foreign financial accounts on FinCen Form 114 Foreign Bank Account Reports (“FBARs”). The FBAR filing threshold is triggered upon having account assets exceeding $10,000 USD in the aggregate at any time during the calendar year. The deadline for filing FBARs is April 15 with an automatic extension to October 15 each year.
As another new year is upon us, we are providing a summary of the changes to the federal and state estate and gift tax limits which became effective on January 1, 2023. We hope you find this information helpful as you consider planning options for 2023 and beyond. If you have any questions or are wondering how these changes may impact your particular situation, please do not hesitate to contact our office and we will be happy to discuss the effect these changes may have on your estate plan.
As one of the authors noted in a previous alert, “the CARES Act provided that the forgiven amounts of Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loans would not be includable in a PPP borrower’s gross income at the federal level, and subsequent legislation provided that expenses paid with PPP funds would still be tax deductible.” Recent non-precedential guidance from the IRS’s Office of Associate Chief Counsel, however, has concluded that only properly forgiven amounts will not be treated as gross income by the IRS. In short, the IRS intends to reach its own determination regarding the propriety of the decision of the U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”) to forgive PPP loan amounts.
The Inflation Reduction Act (the “Act”), signed into law on August 16, 2022, creates new opportunities for the renewable energy industry and is a welcome change in an industry accustomed to uncertainty regarding its primary financial incentives. The Act’s provisions modified many of the clean energy credit and incentive provisions of last year’s Build Back Better Act. The Act earmarks $374 billion for decarbonization and modernization of U.S. manufacturing in the renewable energy sector (the “Renewable Sector”).
This week the Senate has advanced the landmark tax, climate, and healthcare bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act (H.R. 5376) (“IRA”) which will be considered by the House of Representatives in the coming days and, if passed, will arrive on President Biden’s desk for signature into law.
In addition to being great resources for individuals and organizations within a profession, job boards can also be a good source of non-dues revenue to the association. However, the IRS has re-affirmed non-dues revenue from a job board can be taxable as unrelated business income even if designated as a royalty.
Although many employees have returned to working on location again, factors indicate that the labor market has changed to more permanently accommodate remote workers. With this shift comes state tax and other employment issues employers must now contend with. This article focuses on some of the state tax issues.
As another new year is upon us, we are providing a summary of the changes to the federal and state estate and gift tax limits which became effective on January 1, 2022. We hope you find this information helpful as you consider planning options for 2022 and beyond. If you have any questions or are wondering how these changes may impact your particular situation, please do not hesitate to contact our office and we will be happy to discuss the effect these changes may have on your estate plan.
From the outset, the CARES Act provided that the forgiven amounts of Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loans would not be includable in a PPP borrower’s gross income at the federal level, and subsequent legislation provided that expenses paid with PPP funds would still be tax deductible. On November 17, 2021, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued three separate revenue procedures on the tax treatment of the forgiveness of PPP loans: Rev. Proc. 2021-48, Rev. Proc. 2021-49, and Rev. Proc. 2021-50.
Effective March 14, 2021, the Maryland General Assembly overrode Governor Larry Hogan’s veto and enacted a digital products tax as part of the “21st Century Economy Fairness Act” (the “Act”). See House Bill 932 (2020 Legislative Session). Simply stated, the Act extends Maryland’s existing 6% sales and use taxes to digital goods.
On August 8, 2020, President Trump sent a memorandum (the “Memorandum”) to the Treasury Department (“Treasury”), ordering the Secretary of the Treasury to defer collection of the employee portion of Social Security withholding (and withholding for certain railroad workers under the Railroad Retirement Tax Act) from September 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020.
In Notice 2020-32, the IRS answered the question that had been the subject of wide discussion and debate (at least among tax attorneys) as to whether borrowers under the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”)[1] could deduct the cost of expenses paid with PPP proceeds that are forgiven under Section 1106 of the CARES Act. Answer: No.
Whether your organization has applied for a loan under the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) made available under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Securities Act (“CARES”) or not, you should be aware of tax relief that may be available to you. Tax relief may be available under CARES, The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the "FFCRA"), and/or recent IRS pronouncements.
Just after midnight on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, the U.S. Senate passed the ‘‘Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act’’ or the ‘‘CARES Act’’ (H.R. 748) after days of intense negotiations. On Friday, March 27, 2020, the U.S. House of Representatives quickly passed the bill and President Trump signed it into law.
We have received inquiries about the possible extension of tax payment and tax filing deadlines in response to Covid-19, as well as some misstated rumors. This client alert is intended to clarify the current state of tax payment and filing deadlines at the federal level and at the Maryland level.
At long last, on April 17, 2019, Treasury released its second set of proposed regulations providing guidance on Opportunity Zones. (Available here). These proposed regulations answer some questions about how operating businesses can take advantage of the Opportunity Zones. Of particular note and as highlighted below, Treasury provided much needed guidance and flexibility regarding leased property.
The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act established the Qualified Opportunity Zone program to provide a tax incentive for private, long-term investment in economically distressed communities (Sections 1400Z-1 and 1400Z-2 of the Internal Revenue Code). Investors in these programs can defer and, potentially, reduce tax on short or long term capital gains (“Gains”) by investing in a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund (an “OZ Fund”).
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston’s Herman Rosenthal, a Senior Tax Partner who serves as Co-Chair of the Maryland Chamber of Commerce Tax Policy Committee, spoke before the Maryland Economic Development and Business Climate Commission on Wednesday, September 9. Appearing with Chamber of Commerce colleagues, Rosenthal advised that the Commission could improve Maryland’s business climate by recommending certain major tax reforms and taking a position against combined tax reporting. A full report appeared on the front page of the September 10 issue of The Daily Record.
Michael Grace spoke about partnership reliance regulations in an article which appeared in Federal Tax Weekly:
"...CCH Take Away. "Section 751(b) represents perhaps the least understood and most uncomplied with provision in all of Subchapter K," Michael J. Grace, JD, Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP, Washington, D.C., told CCH..."
In a continued effort to combat offshore tax evasion and increase international compliance, on June 26, 2012, the Internal Revenue Service provided updated guidance to the 2012 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (the “2012 OVDP”), and announced that new compliance procedures will be available for certain non-resident taxpayers effective September 1, 2012.
This is a reminder that U.S. taxpayers with a financial interest over foreign financial accounts exceeding $10,000 in the aggregate at any point during the 2010 tax year must file a Form TD F 90-22.1 with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by June 30, 2011. The form must be received by the IRS by such date rather than postmarked by such date. The IRS has recently expanded the group of persons subject to the filing requirement and has also provided a new opportunity for U.S. taxpayers to file FBARs for prior years without incurring penalties.
Personal Representatives – Election for Modified Administration (10/1/03). Increases the availability of modified estate administration, providing a streamlined version of the probate process.
Modified Administration – Final Report and Distribution – Extension (10/1/03). The new Bill is intended to make modified administration more user friendly. Modified administration under prior law required that a final report be filed within 10 months after the appointment of the personal representative and that final distribution of the estate occur within 12 months. The prior law did not permit extensions and failure to meet either of the deadlines revoked modified administration, thereby requiring the filing of an inventory and account. The new Bill provides for a 90-day extension of both time limits if a consent is: (1) signed by the personal representative and by each interested person, and (2) is filed within 10 months after the appointment of the personal representative. This Bill applies to estates of decedents dying on or after October 1, 2003.
Each year the Maryland Legislature enacts a number of laws which impact in various degrees on the personal and business lives of people living in or doing business in the State of Maryland. The General Assembly adjourned on April 8, 2002, and the Session actively concluded when the Governor enacted legislation into State law during four separate signing ceremonies on April 9, April 25, May 6 and May 16.
Watch this webinar presented by the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. and hosted by Whiteford, Taylor & Preston to learn from experienced tax advisors and attorneys from the U.S. and Romania about practical ways to handle tax issues relevant to cross-border transactions and remote work.
Whiteford is pleased to announce that “Best Law Firms” has awarded the firm exemplary rankings for 2025. Nineteen of the firm’s practices are ranked in Virginia.
Whiteford is pleased to announce that “Best Law Firms” has awarded the firm exemplary rankings for 2025. Twenty-two of the firm’s practices are ranked at the national level, and the firm’s Bankruptcy, Construction and Labor & Employment litigation practices have been recognized with national Tier 1 rankings.
Whiteford is pleased to announce that Chambers and Partners has once again ranked the firm highly in its 2024 list of leading firms and business lawyers.
87 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2024 (copyright 2023 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). New practice areas of recognition include CleanTech Law and Entertainment and Sports Law. The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington offices. Client comments are posted on the Best Lawyers website, at bestlawfirms.com.
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, a leading, full service Mid-Atlantic law firm, is pleased to announce its partnership with Blue J, a leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for tax law.
Whiteford is pleased to announce that Chambers and Partners has once again ranked the firm highly in its 2023 list of leading firms and business lawyers.
Whiteford is pleased to announce that Tax and Private Wealth Senior Counsel Mario de Castro has been honored as a Fellow of the American College of Tax Counsel.
Whiteford, Taylor and Preston is pleased to announce that U.S. News and World Report - Best Lawyers ® “Best Law Firms” has awarded the firm exemplary rankings for 2023.
73 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2023 (copyright 2022 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington, D.C. offices. Client comments are posted on the U.S. News & Best Lawyers web site, at bestlawfirms.com.
Whiteford Taylor & Preston announced today that Mario A. de Castro, an international tax attorney with over twenty years of experience on international, corporate, and tax matters, has joined the firm.
Whiteford, Taylor and Preston is pleased to announce that U.S. News and World Report - Best Lawyers ® “Best Law Firms” has awarded the firm exemplary rankings for 2022. Twenty-one of the firm’s practices are ranked at the national level, and the firm’s bankruptcy and Construction Litigation practices have been recognized with national Tier 1 rankings. At the state level, new recognitions include Admiralty & Maritime Law, Nonprofit/Charities Law, Patent Law and Privacy and Data Security Law.
A record 75 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2022 (copyright 2021 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington offices. Client comments are posted on the U.S. News & Best Lawyers web site, at bestlawfirms.com.
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston is pleased to have represented the owners of Ivy Ventures, LLC, in the sale of their membership interests to Centauri Health Solutions, Inc.
Whiteford, Taylor and Preston is pleased to announce that U.S. News and World Report - Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” has awarded the firm exemplary rankings for 2021. Twenty-two of the firm’s practices are ranked at the national level, and the firm’s Bankruptcy and Environmental Law practices have been recognized with national Tier 1 rankings.
A record 71 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2021 (copyright 2020 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington offices. Client comments are posted on the U.S. News & Best Lawyers web site, at bestlawfirms.com.
Whiteford, Taylor and Preston is pleased to announce that U.S. News and World Report - Best Lawyers ® “Best Law Firms” has awarded the firm exemplary rankings for 2020. Twenty of the firm’s practices are ranked at the national level, including two bankruptcy practices with national Tier 1 rankings. At the state level, an additional forty-two practices have been ranked in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and VA.
64 lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2020. The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington offices. Client comments are posted on the U.S. News & Best Lawyers web site, at bestlawfirms.com.
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston is pleased to announce that U.S. News and World Report - Best Lawyers ® “Best Law Firms” has awarded the firm exemplary rankings for 2019. Eighteen of the firm’s practices are ranked at the national level, including two practices with national Tier 1 rankings: Litigation and Bankruptcy. At the state level, an additional forty-six practices have been ranked in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and VA.
Baltimore – Whiteford, Taylor & Preston is pleased to announce that U.S. News and World Report - Best Lawyers ® “Best Law Firms” has awarded the firm exemplary rankings for 2018. Nineteen of the firm’s practices are ranked at the national level, including three practices with national Tier 1 rankings: Litigation, Bankruptcy and Real Estate. At the state level, an additional fifty practices have been ranked in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and VA.
The 2017 edition of U.S. News and World Report - Best Lawyers ® “Best Law Firms” has awarded Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP exemplary ratings in its seventh annual rankings of law firms.
Twenty of the firm’s practices were ranked at the national level, as well as thirty-seven in Maryland, ten in Washington, D.C., and two in Roanoke, VA.
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston’s Private Wealth Law practice is newly ranked Band 1 by Chambers and Partners in its 2016 High Net Worth Guide, released on June 24. According to one local lawyer, quoted anonymously in Chambers’ profile of the firm, “If I was a high net worth individual I would be going to Whiteford Taylor.” Ed Fee, also ranked Band 1, is cited as a notable practitioner. Click here for details.
Fifty-nine lawyers from Whiteford, Taylor & Preston have been selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2016 (copyright 2015 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken S.C.). The lawyers selected are based in the firm’s Maryland, Washington and Virginia offices.
Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP is very gratified to announce that the firm has once again received exemplary ratings in the fifth annual U.S. News & World Report rankings of law firms.
Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP is very gratified to announce that the firm has received exemplary ratings in the second annual U.S. News & World Report rankings of law firms. In Maryland, WTP was rated highly in 34 practice areas, more than any other firm in the state.
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP (WTP) is delighted to announce that Robert B. Curran has been named 2009 Baltimore Corporate Lawyer of the Year by Woodward/White's The Best Lawyers in America.
The Maryland Chamber of Commerce's State Taxation Consultant Karen T. Syrylo will join the list of presenters for Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP and Watkins, Meegan, Drury & Company LLC's Computer Services Tax Event on Tuesday, March 11, 2008. Held on the eve of Maryland's hearings on measures to revise, limit or repeal the Computer Services Tax from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. at WTP's offices (7 Saint Paul Street, Baltimore, MD 21202), the event will be moderated by Heather A.
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